From this series of videos, you might have a broad understanding of the concept of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), related technologies, and application domains. Also, the videos would open your ideas on HCI. I hope you are getting more and more interested in studying HCI.

This HCI course, some theories including understanding of humandesign method and processuser studyideation and prototyping are NOT taught, but delivered in my other coursed (e.g., Human Factors and Ergonomics, Product Planning and Development, Ideation and Prototyping). My HCI course is more focusing on practice and project, besides the theories.

If any student who feels a lack of understanding about the theoretical part of HCI, I recommend to take the online course that GeorgiaTech provides via Udacity. In their course, you could have a broader understanding of not only the concept of HCI, but also design principlesuser research methodsdesign processprototyping and evaluation, and more theoretical information.

And here, you should know the meaning of this term: computer

The computer these days is more than a personal computer (e.g., desktop, laptop). In a broad definition, the computer includes any ICT devices that have chips (e.g., a microprocessor) inside so that it can treat information as programmed. Here are examples of devices that are sometimes called as computer: smartphone, smartwatch, smart TV, smart refrigerator, VR headset, earbuds, autonomous car, etc.

Before we start the course, let’s watch some show cases about HCI.

(if you want to see the full video of this?: Also, look into the CES 2021, then you may find a lot of interesting HCIs, which can put on your hands VERY SOON!)

So, what can you see from the videos above? How can computers make our life more convenient/comfortable? How can we make computers more helpful for people? How can interactive technologies support us to live healthy and safe in the changing world (e.g., COVID-19)?

[Video Lectures]

A. Introduction to HCI