HCI quotes

“Feedback is the heart of interaction. If user interaction is a conversation between your user and the product, then your product better participate in a friendly, interesting, and helpful manner.” - UXPin team

HCI is now everywhere. You can easily find computer-provided services at home. By answering the following questions, you might realise how humans and computers are already in constant interaction in daily life.

Think about your daily life and fill out the form below. How can we benefit from the computer through the H-C interaction?

[A] product/app [B] situation [C] computer’s action [D] human’s reaction [E] values/benefits
refrigerator I made the door opened accidentally after taking food from it it provides a beep sound it reminds me to close the door I can avoid unexpected situations (e.g., frozen food melted, fresh food spoiled, …) due to my mistake
doorbell I noticed when someone arrived at my home (or at the entrance of my building) it alarmed to me with a sound (music) and a video screen I could easily recognize who is arrived; then could make a decision if I should open the door or not No need to go to the entrance and open the door to check who is out there
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From the following videos, see how computer-assisted interactive services can help people conveniently in their daily life. Get informed about how humans and computers interact with each other in daily life.

As you watch these videos, try to active analyse the products from the HCI perspective. Try to answer these questions: