The information processing model (IPM) explains a lot of things related to how we live, including how we think, how we chose and decide, how we learn something, how we feel, how we move, and so forth. As information processing is happening in the human brain, it is related to cognitive work.

The scope of Cognitive Ergonomics is: (1) understanding of how human cognitively behave, (2) improvement of cognitive skills and human performances, and (3) ergonomic/human-centered design for reducing human mistakes as well as decreasing hazardous results can be caused by the human error.

The IPM is one of the basic understandings about human. Students need to be available to explaining human behaviors based on the IPM.


Keywords: #information processing model, #information processing theory, #cognitive process model, #human information processing, #sensory memory, #short-term memory, #working memory, #long-term memory, #attention, #rehearsal


[Video Lectures]

A. Cognitive Ergonomics & Cognitive Engineering/Science

NOTE. Human factors, cognitive engineering, and cognitive science are not the same academic domains, but there are some common understanding and shared knowledge among those fields.