HCI quotes

“Good design is design that changes behavior for the better. I think it needs to take into account the context of the environment, of the human condition, the culture, and then attempt to make the things you do—make us do them better, make us do better things. It encourages us to change the way that we live.” - Jon Kolko

Nowadays many cities want to be called “smart cities”. But what does it really mean? And what about the HCI? In smart city concepts, the HCI is more complicated compared to the scenarios in the Home & Human Life videos. We have a lot of data that is being collected from various places with the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, we have the city workers who use the data in their work, and we have the ordinary citizens, who use these smart services. How is the HCI involved in all of these scenarios?

From the series of videos in this chapter, try to find:

[Video Lectures]

A. Smart City & HCI

In this section, we will look at the smart city concept - both existing and future scenarios. Let’s start with two short videos that introduce the concept:



The next video is a short documentary from Deutsche Welle that looks at existing smart city features and also at the potential challenges with smart city concepts.
